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About Us
Ghana’s Fresh prides itself on ensuring a fair deal in trade for Ghana’s agricultural sector. We source our products directly from farmers and producers and deliver them directly to consumers globally; continentally and abroad.

Sustaining Livelihoods
Your custom provides over 40 women with the means to sustain their families and livelihoods, so they can in turn offer the best of the natural goodness Ghana’s soils can grow

Natural Processes
To ensure our products retain the most of its natural goodness, we only work with organisations that adhere to natural or traditional processes without excessive mechanisation or chemical usage.

Diverse Products
We are constantly seeking out new partners to expand our range of products, so do check back often if you do not find out what you’re seeking now. Alternatively, subscribe to our mailing list so we update you

Our Mission
Our aim is simple – to ensure our customers and producers receive the maximum benefits for their money spent and farming efforts respectively.
We connect the products of our producers and farmers in Ghana, directly to the consumer with no middle parties involved. This ensures quality and removes possibility of interference by third parties with products to raise profit margins to the detriment of both producer and consumer.
What is harvested from the earth using responsible farming practices and non-chemicalised agricultural processes, is what the consumer receives and uses to their benefit.
We have an ever expanding range of products; so do feel free to visit us often for updates on our stock range. In the meantime, happy browsing and do send us feedback if you so wish.
Happy shopping!
What is harvested from the earth using responsible farming practices and non-chemicalised agricultural processes, is what the consumer receives and uses to their benefit.
We have an ever expanding range of products; so do feel free to visit us often for updates on our stock range. In the meantime, happy browsing and do send us feedback if you so wish.
Happy shopping!